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The distance is still farther, everyone was eager to rushing a line and don't discover.
", Return is really a dinosaur, the body figure is very big, there is a building big, eldest brother whether we quickly leave here."Tyrannosaurus is after seeing that long neck dragon, although frightened, the voice still seems to be some excitement.
"Need not, those seem vegetarian dinosaur, as long as we don't attackstone them, don't lend a meeting matter of, everyone lays by weapon first."I am afraid public to frighten those body figure huge dinosaur, let everyone lay by weapon, anyway have so big dinosaur to believe that the other small scaled carnivorous dinosaur isn't willing to run here here, and large dinosaur, so their targets wasn't us, but these giant dinosaur, and we can also discover in momentary.
While owing us to close to those dinosaurs just discover, here not only kind of dinosaur, just other bodies are smallly been more than ten by those huge body figure long the neck dragon held up, we have never seen to arrive just, and these vegetarian food dinosaur's arrival toward us also the performance ground guard against very much, although didn't attackstone us,do not let as well we close to them too much, otherwise those body figures are huge of long the neck dragon will hold up us to go forward with the huge feet, and the huge head stares at we see and see our skin of headses all became numb, certainly can't go to again close to they.
"Eldest brother, this dinosaur is also a lot too big?It is unexpectedly more even big than a sail mother."The Tyrannosaurus points at the long neck dragon of biggest a head of to say among them.
"Ha ha, seem the dinosaurs here all compare to have to be big in our imagination and make track for our fast fierce dragons before being like similar, press to say them at most also with elephant about big, but we see of, all had small truck size, and those Pteranodon are also."I smiled to smile, this dinosaur in the historic relic mainland was really more realistic than us medium the body figure of the dinosaur fossils finding out want to be greatly up many, and even we are at present of the mountain is also similar, seem Feng the bead Mu Lang Ma to moved to come here similar, make we to all can not distinguish wes now is be placed in on the earth of which position of.
"Eldest brother, we connect down to go to where?"We after those vegetarian food dragons nearby took a rest good short while, the disorderly dance walks to me nearby to my inquiry way.
"Arrive this summit of hill first to go up and see, soon the sky is getting blacker, we still have to seek a place of safety to just go, who know that this place also has what dangerous."I point at Tashan of flank to say, although we get into this historic relic mainland is in the morning, process so rushing of long pull, now top of head that huge sun also soon under mountain.
"Eldest brother, this mountain is so big, you can see the mountain that is which place?"The Tyrannosaurus also moves over here to ask a way.
"Not clear, this mountain is also too high, perhaps have bead Mu Lang Ma Feng of height, however here affirm isn't the bead Mu Lang Ma the place of the Feng, may be a lately- produced mountain range after the earth crust variety also uncertain, we arrive the summit of hill go up and see, probably can see what."I still keep shaking head head and look the other way distance not of that of those dinosaurs, their seeming don't intend to leave this district, is it a safety to don't know here, be still the grass here the tree a little bit luxuriantly make would they not like to leave.
"Eldest brother, not we don't also climb mountain, foolish tonight in this foot of a hill like,http://www.outletmonsterbeatsinuk.com, there are these huge dinosaurs beside, will also more the safety is some, most at least those carnivorous dragons not dare to come."The disorderly dance proposal says.
"All right."I looking at summit of hill, agreed after wanting to want disorderly dance say, after all the top of hill will have what circumstance we also not clear, and this foot of a hill people is really more safe, unfortunately return be really because those are huge of long the neck dragon is here also uncertain, although those carnivorous dragons is fierce, see huge at this of grow a neck in front dragon, still be fierce to don't get up.
"Roar~~" at this time, suddenly a huge monster roared to spread from the distance, seemed and is a huge a certain body figure dinosaur emanative of, and gradually can also hear a heavy step voice, the earth also sent out slight vibration at the same time, voice ring with vibrate also more and more big, this time will never be that pig to send out come of.
Because that dinosaur roars of spread, at we nearby not the vegetarian food dinosaurs of distance are immediately frightened to stop under mouth the food of the side, each title stares at voice to spread a direction to hope to go, a few body figures are bigger long the neck dragon also move a step to walk to most before, these long the neck dragon walk each time one step, is also send out a heavy but huge voice ring, earthquake the our ear Weng Weng keep ring.
"Eldest brother can't be a carnivorous dinosaur to run?"The Tyrannosaurus asks a way to me.
"Crow mouth!"I stared Tyrannosaurus one eye, however the another part of foot of a hill in distance slowly peeped out a figure at this time, although now have a liking for go to very small, that is to be apart from far reason, and that figure still slowly approaches toward us, I affirm this is a head of carnivorous monster, and have a risk very much, otherwise those long the neck dragon can't peep out like facing mortal enemy appearance, either.
"Everyone clears for action!"Slowly approach along with that monster, we also see its appearance of pure son, is an overlord's dragon with very huge body figure, a have offensive overlord's dragon very much.

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"Eldest brother, these huge dinosaurs seem to be really to fear that, whether we go up a help?"For body figure huge overlord's dragon, Tyrannosaurus not only don't fear at all, on the contrary still have some excitements, but for those body figure more huge of long neck dragon come to say, but overlord's dragon is very terrible existence, all even if that body figure that grows a neck dragon is more more huge than overlord's dragon, but remain along with the headway of overlord's dragon, is not stepped back backward by ground.
Although overlord's dragon goes forward now of the speed didn't rush,the huge body figure makes him easily approach us,cheap beats by dre, very quick that huge figure came right away our in fronts, and those more than ten long neck Long Yao mutually act in cooperation.
"Roar~~~" overlord's dragon sends out huge roaring cry, want to are more than ten those head huge of long neck Long Bi walk and attackstone those body figure smaller dinosaurs so much, although say it can also at these long neck dragon nearby the shot kill those body figure small dinosaur, so it has to face the backstroke of growing the neck dragon, although grow the backstroke of neck dragon and can't make oneself fatal, but get hurt unavoidably, in order not to oneself get hurt, overlord's dragon doesn't dare to be eager to attackstoning, and can be used perhaps voice to try to walk long neck Long Bi.
"Ao~~~" long neck dragon equally send out long long of roaring cry, more than ten long neck dragons roar at the same time, voice earthquake our ears are all soon deaf, long neck dragon now although face to attackstone dint very strong overlord's dragon, but they don't dare to at will yield, otherwise other dinosaurs and own kid will probably drive overlord's dragon be become food, so can endure to try to make overlord, Long Fan, back.They don't dare to at will attackstone in the wager overlord's dragon in the wager, because so and equally will be subjected to backstroke of long neck dragons, although unlikely life.But can get hurt, as long as being harmed, so in the world of this weak at the mercy of the strong, even if being Gao Gao in last overlord's dragon, equally willing become don't the delicacies of ground carnivore.
"Roar~~~" overlord's dragon has never thought long the neck dragon hear he or she unexpectedly and not only don't back to walk after bellowing, on the contrary think anti- make oneself leave, hence is not again roared by ground.The side moves body at the same time.Wanted to try to once round these long the neck dragon attackstone those small dinosaurs, is like that the lion wants to kill small cowboy, run into 12 adulthood gaurs, they can't fear, even will become adult gaur to directly be into food.But meet with a group of adulthood gaurs to protect the words of small cowboy, they don't dare to at will attackstone, the opportunity that can slowly look for an attack.
"Caution of everyone is some,dr dre beats.The body figure of this overlord's dragon compares us Related articles:

