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, Dry bones grand canyon, the etc. district of time immemorial Lin Hai.
The black meteorite mountain range is metal mineral stone mineral vein, can provide various metal of amount of sea for the players, the crushed stones mountain lodge should be a vein of time immemorial mountain range.The dry bones grand canyon is then an uncanny hopeless situation.The strange place doing not even grow grasses.Time immemorial Lin Hai.Actually is the corpus of dark forest, an ancient old forest that doesn't know to have much big area.
New-found district in those ownerless resourceses order.Became of the player influence war a little bit disorderly fire lock.This time doesn't say to outward invade.Canning control disorder in the inner part is already all each base authorities to spare no efforts at carry on of affair, various latent talent for a long time.Influence of planning lawless acts.Also take advantage o power but rise in this time.What east of convex.The west all became to disturb a this pond son Hun aqueous chief criminal only.
The outside war is previous, broke out vigorous civil war first, at constuct east, two southern Great walls of time alliance form, also had no the ego of binding force to collapse, at this time generation, who still speak brothers sense of honor with you, get advantage first to come to hand in is right way, so is existing, already disheveled hair the resources now orders and breaks out to battle out a war once again, nine dynasty three take turns these Qiu country that are 13 under the advanced base in one overseas, depend on borrow to respectively postpone south the Great Wall construct of strong pass male city, each other to hold, outside can Rang enemy, inside can Anne's nation.
Currently, is also the east shopping area in the sky, don't Yang temple and joss-stick space lira these three greatest tycoons don't disorderly.Became suppression"Central plains.Of mainstay, also positive because of the stability of these three big pre-eminent groups.Promise everything still just control in, economic aspect then has already also cut off don't result in to influence too greatly.It is on the contrary disorderly because of multifarious war.Coming to an is certain"train soldiers.Effect.Let the new player quickly grow up.
Is the sand city tribe Qiu of the number advanced base country?
Look like to have no who to would like to provoke it.Because its real strenght has already become influence the existence of the circumstances well balanced perhaps incline to currently, once it also joins combat any one square influence, stand opposite of the leadership have to jump off a building,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com.
Be like the east shopping area in the sky O.K., the consistent dint of that person of their backstage all taking no cognizance of tacit understanding its existence.Because once provoking to this terrible monster, they not only must break a food to break to provide and estimate that the allied shot of still just other influences descends vanish,beats by dre cheap, east the shopping area in the sky, sand city is tribe, ten greatest company's alliances and have been already combined unclearly benefits alliance body, and need them to lift
, Gan ten thousand
Still have an important event be, 《difference boundary 》 original number's most huge influence, smelly space lira alliance finally the soil collapsed to break up under various impacts.The alliance member's influence is each to sign hilltop, dismissed from the inner part for the sake of the benefits, its leader of alliance Yu Phoenix one Nu under, lead an oneself underneath player, the whole memberses joined sand city tribe and borrowed to tightly be closed by alliance city of location gold in the gold coast close of awe dint, shake the personnel whom the Zhe lived an insurrection, settle next alliance city the pass totally has of rule.The influence of each member closes in the alliance city in kill to forbid Dou.The also at last completing him is the end responsibility of leader of alliance.
After smelly space lira player alliance soil collapses break up, a new of the influence replace, that is the mercenary soldier allied meeting, in great quantities would not like to join the old player of influence.Took mercenary soldier labor union as foundation to unite.Became a huge influence that employs soldier's property, drew on to in great quantities like that the free player adds widely"
Basically, the circumstance in 《difference boundary 》 be so.The numb Fan listenned to all enough surprisedly.He under of encampment in the gold coast and sand city tribe, because of the stability, drew on in great quantities a recreational player to settle down, fix population more than 100,000,000 persons now, fluid population more than 400,000,000 people, this.The number still and just and continuously increases and cause sand city tribe the person Be full to bring trouble.
If isn't a numb Fan to appear, estimate Gao Guan Ceng's personnel of very quick sand city tribe have to seeking of full world he, because the Qiu country class of the class encampment, the lowest establishment request is a dint myriad people.The biggest formal member's restriction is a strength myriad people, preparing member's restriction is 40,000 people, far away below sand city tribe existing population, with as for in great quantities think that player that join sand city tribe can be been detained with visitor's identity tribe at the sand city.But can not enjoy to the formal member's various welfare treatment.
According to the calculation, tingle Fan to at least want to promote legal power two classes.Directly jump to need blade ten thousand establishment populations, advise ten thousand formal members.Dan 40,000 prepare "big Tribal chief" Class that the member limits, Be directly come needing 40,000 establishment populations, heart.Ten thousand formal members.100,000,000 prepare a member to limit of"various Hou.Legal power, Kingdom class encampment, so as to force just a net to accept the population in next now so much.
Although not promote, also not influence an operation, but because the member's each welfare treatment can not issue through a matrix system, very difficult develop influence extension the bottom go.
Numb Fan before didn't thought of these"small problem" don't expect because 《different boundary 》 is pounded at future reunion to cause sand city tribe the personnel suddenly and violently increase and cause under of the encampment development is subjected to restriction.Since and by a happy chance rushed through back, be"Tribal chief.Want to handle the governmental affairs of backlog clean naturally, a grind teeth decision to connect to jump x-rated, cross over two classes in"big Tribal chief and various Hou"s from"Tribal chief", directly promote "king" will"Qiu country.Promote to "nation" encampment:
8 class legal powers, :
Take office a job:King
Administration center: Four square kilometer nations
Territory scope: It is cave.Square kilometer
Movable scope: It is cave.The kilometer takes base as center
Need population: Myriad people
Influence structure:Inside the territory scope can establishment 7 class political satellite various Hou
Assume office a need:Demand the various Hou support.Advise to contribute at 0:00
The numb Fan swallowed to swallow saliva.Luckily Tribal chief Class later job, all own the right that appoint the subordinate job.Is also say, himself once inauguration"king.Job, can with ordination various Hou, lead a big Tribal chief and Xiong the right of the Tribal chief!!!
The contribution orders this, thing, tell the truth.Tingles Fan and then have never noticed oneself to have after initial stage excessive little contribute, even if not calculation next sand city tribe inside near lead B of the player owns of contribution, the light is once experienced by himself by him of the affair.The contribution point that the acquisition gets also can't little.Although there is no farmland.Ten thousand so exaggerated.But take out, can absolutely let whole players of 《difference boundary 》 all faint!
So, contribute need not worry and led B to get one people to make a contribution to also outrun decuple at 1:00, population naturally"the territory of ten thousand square kilometers, chase scorching hot desert and gold coast.And bottom of sea of second especially the orchid Di Si city go in on the whole, far far not only.
The numb Fan calculated under, fainted Ze a ,Beats by Dre BMW, directly jump big Tribal chief and various Hou two classes, promote"the king estimate those are very not easy to save enough contribution and capital, intend to outstrip to bother an elder brother to become the first inauguration of big Tribal chief of the players wanted to collapse again?
The numb Fan can don't seem to be another player influence and promote an encampment Class to still need to make a rites and hold to celebrate an activity what for a while.The administration center lord that directly drills into sand city tribe controls room and operated for a while after.The flower drops wild 0 contribute the contribution of getting the people to gesticulate dint on the whole total contribute, drive influence the mastermind fold to change into influence contribution after using!Release to announce through a matrix system:
"Sand city.The Qiu country class tribe leader"numb Fan.Tribal chief, the first promotes"the lord of tribe.Become is a number advanced base the first"big Tribal chief" announce especially, reward"
"Sand city.Ten thousand nation class tribe leaders"numb Fan.Big Tribal chief, the first promotes"ten thousand nation total lord.Become is a number advanced base the first"various Hou" to announce "reward" especially.
"Sand city.Various Hou class tribe leader"become is the number advanced base first, "king" announces especially and praises" of the king of"hemp Fan, didn't assume office, the first promoted" river's mountain.
A chain of systems announce, make 《difference boundary 》 continent B player all surprised Be getting more foolish, tingle Fan be also announced to make by himself/herself silly, current of"rise a job.Is unexpectedly different from the rule in past!Be not that Chien is simple any more list of pays contribution, match with condition and then can take office, but still need to carry on"inauguration task.!!!
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