
Beats by Dr Dre studio is effect however o

Have no several steps, the camel rebeled"at this time Pa rice Er's seeing a database gram has been out of breath, so immediately after hate tone to say with the anger:"Originally think the grove just has sting to let the camel eat a pain to think not idea, but they are like become mad similar the brotherses all jilt down, wait until connect we body top also medium sting Hou, just know the important event is far from good, that Yang strength ……"
The words make reference to this, the Pa rice Er beat first one cold Zhan, however the Hou has a lingering fears ground to say:"Is like want to make people grow crazy, at that time at the right moment have a camel incontinence spray I wet all over, that Yang idea just a little bit little, however Hou to take place the matter of Shi Mo belong to under didn't know, waited until to wake up, had already been bound on the bed"
"Boon ……" listens to the words Hou of finishing 2 people, the fertile Si can contemplate first for a while, however the Hou towards soldier at the side of body to say:"Go to and seek doctor, I occupy and hand over to treat"
"BE!"Soldier 1 lowers the head to embrace a boxing and turns round to leave right away, in a little while, take one to wear from rice yellow cambric make into of generous robe, come back from walking still behind the old of a wood box's back and toward fertile Si can report way:"The clan grows up a person, the doctor takes to come over"
"The clan grows up a person" at this time the old right away a Gong body also introduce myself a way:"The old son Duo gives and pays respects to a clan to grow up a person, don't know that the clan grows up a person to seek old son to come to have to hand over to treat"
The "do not need a gift" fertile Si can flick to wave hand to signal hint Hou and then toward Duo to give to ask a way at this time:"How much do the brotherses that get hurt now have?There are also their conditions how?"
"Return to adult, get hurt currently the clansmen that needs to accept a treatment about 2,000 people are or so, and mostly all just slight of skin external injury, however the problem of external injury like solution, but the old son and other doctor's all herb medicineses is used ascended, but hadn't found out can be the clansmens the method of Yang ……"
"Have ever tried camel urine?"The fertile Si can is words that interrupt Duo's give first at this time, however the Hou immediately after says:"Just the Pa rice Er general said was stained with camel urine on his body so had no that Mo severity, probably you could try"
"Does the camel wet?"Hearing the fertile Si can of words Hou, the Duo gives although not too believe that the camel urine contains this effect, however oneself can the methods using all once tried, probably this method really can go.
Thought of here, the Duo gives then one to embrace a boxing to excuse to leave and prepare and try and see how effect is, while the fertile Si can also hand over to treat soldier to left for to collect camel urine to provide for use, but a grain of sand clan at the moment also has no dint in short time war again, although this to north city to say to is a happy event, however also in this time, second loose Kingdom eventually the Wu began.
Chapter 6(two
At the moment on the straits of two mainland middles, the tortoiseshell war ship of more than 1,000s is like an ambulatory land sort and slowly goes toward second especially the orchid lift Si to push forward, is already the second day today, at under the calculation of the tail wind and the navigator, estimating still and wanting for five days would see second the orchid lift the land of Si especially, however this all the way cut off is not likely to be like now thus quiet, because the sea man Na has already escaped back second especially the orchid lift Si to relate to, a naval battle is definitely to can not help.
"His highness" at this time at big emperor son west the flagship of the Se up, pull to ascend is pointing at maritime map up a certain report way:"We are in giving the sea man the cloth diagram of the Na only 600 war ships and 150,000 navies, but actually we but want to offend in the past 200% above troopses, went to Wu decisive battle to order may be leave second especially the orchid lift the waters of the Si about a day distance.
If choose in this place to decisive battle, they will compare to gain advantage, because once the words wanted to supply, leave their ports here nearer, but relatively, we supply up the meeting is more difficult, however we are few to their ironclad ship understand, just about know lapidating machine and heavy Nu a type of weapon also has them to have speed and collide with the last advantage on a ship.
But second especially the orchid lift Si to only have 20,000 navy's relations, the troops on board I think probably can't over 300, if want to take place to connect a Xian war, our having absolutely overwhelming troops can be hard to put together with them, so they can't definitely walk this road.
This is to say, they should use medium the long-distance way for leaving battle with us, while we also have 2 kinds to choose, one is their navy no matter, directly lean against the armor of tortoiseshell war ship hard rush, by so doing, we can have the more troops can go ashore, but Hou frequently the aspect has the possibility to completely be cut off, I think that this has a wager probably and has a little greatly.
Go to Wu another choice be concentration the troops chase an ironclad ship annihilation Wu sea first, however this may lose 1/3 to arrive half of troopses, but the advantage is a sea road from now on have no threat, and our Hous frequently still have already added troops can seamlessly the support come over, until take down second especially the orchid lift the Si whole territorieses"
"These I know" at this time big emperor son west the Se turn a head to toward the Su's house father and son coming together to ask a way:"Sea of problem like solution, difficulty is go ashore Hou how the Mo take down second especially the orchid lift Si, the father king's meaning wants to go ashore from the eastern pure harbor, however I believe second especially the orchid lift the person of Si also can't wooden stick to can not guess our targets is which, after all here is go ashore and take the offensive most easily of order, a tough battle is can not help, do you have the suggestion of Shi Mo?"
"His highness" words just fell in, Su was prosperous right away openings to answer a way:"In fact from drive royal ancestors parties go to second especially the orchid lift Si Hou and belong to bottom have been being thinking this problem, only the affair changes too quickly but blunders away many good opportunities.
Is originally second orchid especially lift Si truely had better go ashore of place should be old row gram of row gram ages harbor, but at grant force catcher Hou, just built thin Nice city in the port under R.O.C Anne's help, and still expended a huge sum the whole row gram the harbor makes only superficial change and becomes a fortress of fastness.
If the words of harbor that wants to be hard to rush a row gram now, I think to need above troops of decuple to just probably capture, don't even say the influence of having the bright knot boundary makes foreign able to develop half of physical strength still and all have no a circumstance at some advantages under, this point no longer is included in consideration.
Go to Wu comity the harbor is also the handwriting that comes from China Anne, there is the manufacturing ground of ironclad ship, also have mother the mainland rob a hand azure stone most is also come from there,Beats by Dr Dre studio, although it is said the amount of manikin and spirit combine not much, but at large fan fog forest and these two clans to war, we can haven't arrive Shi Mo cheapness, don't even say be front-line sky of last Hou, we also don't in the past beat.
Go to eastern pure harbor of Wu at that time east pure strong, domestic declared to have the food Cang that 1,000,000 battalions still had southern Szu-cheng, however eastern pure collapse and died because of the war now many green strong, so comparing with the past is weak up many, this is also the boon Si the meaning that king decides and wants to be strong from this and offends.
Because is second now especially the orchid lift a national top and bottom of Si about the troops that remain 100,000, if is last-ditch the harbor decisive battle with us at the row gram, that we definitely offend not next, but the location changes in the eastern pure harbor can have very big difference, the eastern pure harbor isn't an outward important port, so didn't be like a row gram the harbor has that Mo hard fortress, connect before drive beat bad stone building also didn't rebuild, so the words wanted to decisive battle, this can develop many advantages of our person.
In fact still have a little more important of, if we can exterminate them in the eastern pure harbor this place main of words, go ashore Hou and then will like to beat a lot that future, however we have to also have the plan of great sacrifice and after all defend a square still come gain advantage.
However is second the orchid lift Si especially and we the second loose Kingdom compare under return be regarded as small country, although their materials and war capability are aer little taller than us, if their national strength is ten, that our national strengths be 100, first time even if they beat to win, they lose five, while we lose ten, second time with the Hou, will become zero-80.
This is to say, they even if the file lives we the first attack, also the absolute file doesn't live next second, the third, and this is also the place that we can like.
Because two troopses on the emperor's son hands although heel we about, the troops' training still has the character to will get can have a very big margin, so have no way and his highness your battalion place on equal footing.
And as long as take down second especially the orchid lift Si Hou, the light depends they land of Hou have troops Related articles:

