
www.headphones-fashion.com aking Li Qing An

Book nine east templeses contend for chapter 256 Chang-an airtight make
Only the wagon of Gu bright moon goes into a salty sun county.She then know that she need not face west again to go to, the salty sun county outside inside the city is the camel that comes from Western Regions everywhere, the noodles of the foreign country permits and accent, the calling of the Xi Xi Rang Rang sells a voice and haggles a voice.
A china spread the shopkeeper of front, two beard companies and store to take place to quarrel.
"This money changes at big Tang An Xi!How can you not accept?"
"You are beards company, again Chinese language, how don't understand rules?Big Tang Zhi accepts copper money and cloth silks, the words of money change to the black market, someone will like of, we don't accept at least."
The wagon once drives and quarreled a voice gradually and float far, near country feeling more Qie, the heart of bright moon also started palpitating, but Li Qing An where will?
The wagon unauthorized biography comes to the inquiry voice of servant, "this soldier Ye, you where is the great commander soldier ?We are his families, from Chang-an come."
"We the great commander soldier just went county Ya, you went to county Ya and sought to."
"Thank, is the county Ya where?"
"County Ya we didn't know, you asked native son."
The servant prepares to seek a native son to ask, can all of all of the streets are blue-eyeds Gao Bi's Su the non-Han nationalities is especially.Seeking a native son is still really not that easy, at this time, the bright moon sees go from a piano through the car Lian in came out two young women, be like a lord one servant, all be dressed in a snow-white long skirt, bright moon from the Xu beautiful looks, it is thus clear that this woman, she also unbearable a burst of marvel, she still really has never seen this beautiful woman, that imitates Buddha ice jade generally elegant and incomparable facial appearance, that kind of detached outstanding qualities, have already imitated a Buddha not to dye the fairy maiden of one silk any dust.The bright moon is suddenly felt that she seems where once saw this woman, but temporarily could not recalled.
"The miss stops sending off!"
When two women are after wagon, the bright moon is finally unbearable to call to live them, "please asks miss, where is the county Ya ?"
These two women, the nature is a dance dress with her maid jade Nu, dance dress of the pipa Xian broke and arrived salty sun, she then find out a piano shop to go together with Xian and just came out and at the right moment met bright moon.
Dance dress to follow reputation to go to, the car Lian that sees a flank a wagon draws back, a young woman is asking her, see suddenly bright moon, dance dress heart in also secretly a surprised, Cun way:"World unexpectedly like woman of this beautiful looks?"
If say to dance dress of beautiful such as the ice is like jade.The United States of that bright moon be such as flower brocade, she makes up thick gorgeous, but don't seem to be Mei vulgar, her United States is a kind of woman of great beauty, be like a peony that the rich and honored Jiao permits, make people ashamed of own unseemliness.
Dance the dress is coming to court for several years, her beautiful looks was in the northern court, the everyones are all great she is Western Regions first beauty, she sometimes walks to will arouse a burst of sensation in the street, she has to go out to all put on a veil, she always is all extremely self-confident to own beautiful looks.
She sees bright moon today, this just suddenly realizes originally the beautiful looks woman of world also combining not only only have her one person and probably be the same as unique color beauty, the beautiful looks of bright moon lets the dance dress have clever people like clever people feeling, and she stops a step to say with smile:"Does the miss occupy?"
"Do I want to ask county Ya how to walk?"
Dance dress before a student woulded be the daughter whom the salty sun county makes, she at the right moment also wanted to have a look and then said with smile:""Qiao, I am also just wanting county Ya, take you to go!Isn't far, front street corner to left turn be."
"Miss if don't abandon, get on the car!Multiply by wagon.Want to hurry up."
Danced dress to want to want and then say with smile:"That is all right!Bother you."
She ascended with jade Nu maid's clouds of many colors of wagon, jade Nu and bright moon sit fore line up, dance dress to then sit on the rear row with bright moon, the wagon is very elegant, spreads carpet, hang silk drapery on the car wall, fill the air a light You joss-stick, this is from the censer of corner in float.
2 people smile towards hoping one eye, each other shallow shallow a, the dance dress Cun way:"Seeing her clothes foppery should be big door family's woman, or is a daughter of eminent family, but don't know that how her playing skill is, how also temperament, pouring can hand over a friend."
The bright moon also secretly deliberates a way:"See her age is as just about as oneself, how the between forehead and brows have a kind of light of sadness, the such ice jade is beautiful Huan woman, there is might it not be also beauty misery?The ah doesn't know that she calls as well what name, if the condition allows, can associate well some kind of."
The bright moon cautiously saw again one eye dance dress, more see more feel that she is familiar looking, then says with smile:"Miss, I seemed to once see you, you in the theater before don't the hospital is foolish to lead?"
Dance dress to listen to she recognize she, then smiled to smile, at last recognized tacitly, the jade Nu but talkative way of front row:"Miss you at last recognized to the person, my house's miss was an old-world piano fairy."
"Jade Nu!"
Dance once the dress face sink and lightly scolded her 1.The piano fairy is faraway in the past, she no longer thinks to recall again and originally has already said for jade Nu for her, didn't expect she just returned to a pass in, then had some to be dizzy with success, the jade Nu frightens on sticking out tongue, don't dare to utter a word again.
Bright moon but happy way:"I say how to see your noodles is familiar, originally you are a piano fairy, the Mid-Autumn night of four year agos, I once listenned to you play the piano, the piano is like the sound of sounds of nature, if person palace of the moon pretty woman, I have been bearing in mind constantly, piano fairy miss, how did these two years have no your news?"
Dance dress light a say with smile:"The tide rises tide to fall and always return for concealed day, was the piano fairy already in the past, didn't know that how to call miss?The piano plays how?"
Chang-an the women will play the piano, differentiation just ascend good with mediocre, the bright moon certainly also plays very quite goodly, just in front of piano fairy, she where dare to brag playing skill, and piano fairy at Chang-an so well-known.Somebody else but very low-key, if oneself vaunts life experience household and pours to seem to be very cheap and insolent, only Gu this surname have a little too sensitive, the bright moon then says with smile:"My Xing Pei, Chang-an person, learn through several years, piano, just barely understand temperament, don't know miss surname what?"
"My Xing Jiang."
"Is a miss, does the miss have been living in the salty sun?"
"Have no, two year agos left to Chang-an go Western Regions.Study the beard there joy, this city to see the late lament, and Pei miss?BE come to salty sun to explore relatives?"
The bright moon point nods and at last admitted, at this time, the wagon stopped a county before the Ya and danced dress to hesitate for a while, although Li Qing An is in the county Ya,she is to want and go to after house, can again ashamed house letting the bright moon drive the wagon to the empress goes and has to and says with smile:"I arrived and thanked the wagon of miss."
"I am also getting off."
2 people successively from the wagon in come down, and then exchanged greeting severals, prepared to take leave, at this time Li Qing An is from the county Ya in walked out, salty sun Guo Xuan makes to send him to come out.
"The great commander soldier pleases trust, I this arranges hay and sends a person to send army camp inside a hour."
"That thanked Guo Xuan for making."
Li Qing An stands down step, he saw bright moon first, in the eye immediately flash across a burst of surprise, once the vision sweep, and then saw dance dress, he is immediately stunned speechless.
"Two of them how can and together, they should are incognizant just to!See appearance warm and affectionate,is them, did each other jump at?"
Li Qing has peace of mind medium surprise, the step also hesitates down, at this time, bright moon and dance dress faced to come up at the same time, all agree way:"Li Lang!"
The air seemed to solidify for an instant here, two females hoped the other party, all surprised pole.
"Originally you are a bright moon!"
"Originally you are a dance dress!"
Open mouth at the same time again, all peeped out an embarrassed facial expression on the 2 people face, Li Qing An tooked a look bright moon, and then tooked a look to dance dress and suddenly said with smile:"Have you already known each other?"
Dance the flash across in the dress eyes one silk complicated air, dark sigh in the heart:"Is her, no wonder that Li Lang Yi wish to marry her as wife.Is indeed as expected great beauty, and is again an eminent family Di female, which be like oneself alone and helpless Ling Ding, is still that hope a few identity, ah!In the as in from there is heaven's will, Li Lang marries her as wife, isn't on the whole either to humiliate oneself,www.headphones-fashion.com."
Bright moon also secretly great way:"Originally dance dress is a piano fairy, no wonder that Li Lang will take her to go to a northern court, Li Lang this kind of hero hero person, also the woman of only piano fairy this kind of pretty woman sort just go together with up."
The bright moon knows that dancing dress life experience is desolate, has been still tied up by a paper wedding book up to now, know to dance dress again to is the piano fairy once worshiped by her now, in the heart not from was full of pity to her.
The bright moon comes forward to pull the hand of dancing the dress to say with smile:"Originally the piano fairy is a dance elder sister Yi, if person pretty woman in month indeed as expected live up to reputation."
Dance dress to also force a to say with smile:"You if say oneself surname only Gu, I am to know to is you, but you say oneself, Xing Pei, ."
"My mother, Xing Pei, ."
Dance a dress point to nod a way:"I should also thought of of, so the woman of beautiful looks, in addition to who can the bright moon younger sister also have?"
Li Qing An sees 2 people clever people like clever people, not from big Wei in heart, he at first worried 2 people meet future reunion water fire allow of no, now seem at least face ascend fairly good, this all right already.
At this time, Ma Ji from a war in afar rushes but goes to, the bright moon hurriedly pulls dance dress the Shan arrive one side, is Li Qing An's a close soldier right away, he turns over a body to dismount and goes 1:"Great commander soldier, there is guest in the army camp come to visit, Mr. Li invites general to urgent return."
Li Qing has peace of mind to read a to turn, he sees with half an eye to come over, this must be Li Heng's person to arrive, and he orders and then says with smile to the bright moon:"You and dance the dress chat well, after a while dance the dress will take you to directly return to army camp, again understanding such as poem such as painting, like take a rest, in the evening we one more have a meal."
Didn't see Li Qing An for bright moon more than a yearses, there is innumerable words in the heart mean to say, can be dancing dress in front, but she doesn't like to show off and then say with smile:"You go to favour!I and dance elder sister Yi talk and also need to invite her to teach me how to play the piano."
Li Qing An saw dance dress one eye again, the meaning was to let she good well invite bright moon, dance dress to understand his meaning and ordered to nod for she.
Li Qing An turns over a horse of body, on pulling bridle, rush to the disease outside the city and go to, dance dress have been hoping Li Qing An to walk far, she is also not intentional to see her own student, then pulls the hand of bright moon to say with smile at this time:"Leave!I take you to return to encampment and see Li Lang that twin sister to the baby."
They ascended together the wagon of bright moon, slowly to the army camp out of the city but go.
Li Qing An sped to arrive at encampment all the way, the encampment was located in inside a big field in the school out of the city, in addition to stationing 1,000 and riding a soldier, there are also 5,000 camels, various supplies loaded down to pay to get from the big food soldier the hand, the camel has specially assigned and looks after, therefore in addition to soldier, there are also about thousand Tuo servants.
Li Qing An rushes into big before the debt, turn over a body to dismount, one well-known scholar soldier loudly way:"The great commander soldier came!"
Once the debt Lian lift, Li Bi walked out in quick time, to the soft-voiced way of Li Qing An:"Is the cool king's person to come."
The cool king is Li Heng, Li Qing An walked into a big debt in quick time, big debt inside just one person carry to pace to and fro, Li Qing An comes in, and he suddenly turns round to say with smile:"Great commander soldier, well since departure?"
Li Qing An's one Leng, the bearer is unexpectedly Li Cong's sub- Li Qiu, is this what is the row?Li Qiu is how can Li Heng's person, what story did the noodles take place here?
Li Qing An apprehensives in Li Qiu's idea to anticipate in, he tiny smile way:"Great commander soldier as long as want who my natural father is, Be getting more understand?"
Li Qiu's natural father is a front prince, Li Ying, , Li Qing An then understood a while, Li Qiu abandonned Li Cong and turned and go to Li Heng and saw to him is also escort treasure at Li Heng's body up.
He orders, a put to say with smile:"Kinglet Ye Pleases sit down!"
Li Qiu sat down, Li Qing An and Li Bi also successively went into to sit, Li Qing An not from Pie Li Bi Yi's eye, Li Qiu when go and live with Li Heng, he unexpectedly didn't tell himself/herself.
Li Bi imitates the idea that the Buddha knows Li Qing An and then says with smile:"I am to just know, this matter is extremely concealment, in addition to their 2 people, anyone all not know, included emperor's eldest grandson also not understand."
Li Qiu also hurriedly explanation way:"I am to lend to hunt a city today, in addition to a few of my confidents, again no one knows that I come here."
Kissed a soldier to carry several cup tea to come in at this time, Li Qing An said with smile to him:"Drink a people hot tea first, we slowly talk."
3 people drank one mouthful tea, Li Qiu touched one noodles gold medal and a letter from the bosom and passed to the way of Li Qing An:"This is what Wang Ye gives a great commander soldier."
Gold medal and originally the Li Qing anna piece look exactly alike, just the pattern of gold medal became Qi Lin, the number below engraving also becomes'one', is also say that Li Qing An became Li Heng's best confident, originally that gold medal was accepted by the imperial censor set to pay to walk when he goes to jail, this a cake of is Li Heng to re- supply him.
Ten gold medals of Li Qing An cautiously took a look and gingerly accept into a bosom, this just tore open letter, the letter was Li Heng's handwriting the book, believed medium definitely expressed his return east the desire of the temple, hope Li Qing how can just as since support him toward ground.
Li Qing An is a little bit silent to nod, he contemplated a short moment and then asked Li Qiu Dao:"Now each king Duo Di how is circumstance?Kinglet Ye says for me."
Li Qiu slightly and slightly owes a body way:"From east temple empty, each king all peeps east temple, among them with celebrate a king, Di king, glory king, instrument king, clever king, always king, life king most is is colourful, each have a performance, because of saint ascend slowly undecided next east temple, each king all is exhausted, instrument king and life king last year Mid-Autumn alcohol the complaint be lodged complaint, saint top and bottom the aim punish by flogging 2 people and estimated to don't also hope and only celebrate afterwards, Di, glory, always, clever etc. five kings have already hoped into main east temple, but celebrate before the king's on suspicion of frame-up a prince, perhaps already no chance east temple,......"
If Li Qing's safety hit broke him, Ya way:"Your saying is to celebrate king the frame-up prince's his highness?"
"Really is so, this matter still involved a Guo country madam."
Li Qing An sees Li Qiu's facial expression a bit peculiar, then guess perhaps he can not also drag along a relation, then no longer ask more and change a topic way:"Now that Wang Ye have already been reversed court sentence, why is he not and therein?"
Li Qiu sighed a tone way:"The key is that Wang Ye is very low-key, Chang-an the government and people basically has already forgotten him, past no one put him therein."
"This doesn't go!"
Li Qing An shook to shake head a way:"Wang Ye since wants to weigh into east temple, can not too low-key, have to be good to the approbation of the courtiers, have the big minister supports, noise of shouting upsurge, this just can run its course heavy go into east temple, otherwise, reputation once being rent away by the another prince, the saint ascended to would not like to stir-fry cold rice again, either at that time."
"Great commander soldier says very goodly, I am also this meaning, but really very difficult now, the beginning of January five that day, Wang Ye puts to entertain a guest in the mansion, this is regarded as 1 kind to sound out and totally invites 50 people, can just finally come to 5 people, contrary, the same Di king pays and pleases 200 people,went to more than 300 persons, a few prime ministers all went, everyone is optimistic about Di very much king!"
Li Qing An smiled to smile, and then turned head to ask Li Bi Dao:"How to see Sir?"
Li Bi is always silent the language see Li Qing An not to ask him, he lets go of a cup tiny smile way:"Great commander soldier says quite goodly, Duo Di in fact with fight similar, most importance is a morale, now cool king it may be said the morale all have no, weather land utilization person and similar don't have as well, original east the temple party perish almost exhausted, although resume post a lot, can all throw new lord, have no soldier have no will, Lei weak pole, think in the Duo Di it contend for in win, have to surprising soldier."
Make reference to a strange soldier, Li Qing An suddenly thoughted of a strict Chuang and didn't bring him this time, it was a little bit sorry to arrive, if have him at, what scheming have no, however this Lee Bi is also a historical and severe person, and see him to have what stratagem.
"Sir might as well hint for a while, where is the strange soldier ?"
"The strange soldier is to make a gentleman!"
Li Bi Le's beard says with smile:"Make the gentleman is in the river great victory, come back at this time, by all means is a man of the hour in dynasty, I suggest to make the gentleman might as well publicly visit cool his highness king and put own clear position, can draw on the old person of some eastern temple parties to come over like this."
"So and should never attempt to!"
Li Qiu flurried objection way:"The great commander soldier publicly visits cool his highness king, perhaps will make the saint last upset, this is disadvantageous to great commander soldier!"
Li Bi shakes, "this is momentary that temporarily also!If the east temple beginning visited while discarding, really not satisfactory, but now east temple Zhong's deluding a case have already revealed the truth, east temple innocent, make now gentleman again put own clear position, can explain to make the gentleman is the minister of loyal, heart of saint in should understand, even if slightly haven't pleased, but also not Ai general situation, can so can can make for the no trivial matter to the cool king cool situation king again rise, among them gains or losses, the gentleman can weigh by himself/herself."
Li Qing An gladly says with smile:"The Sir suggests to be matching my idea!"
He and then to Li Qiu Dao:"Bother kinglet Ye takes a words to cool his highness king for me, say that my tomorrow contains city rites, pleasing him must take part in!"
Li Qiu walked, Li Bi then smiled to Li Qing An's way:"Make can the gentleman understand my deep idea?"
Li Qing An orders to say with smile:"The Sir is in fact cracking suspecting of saint, to!"
"Is exactly such, make the gentleman bring a great deal of product to pay tribute saint up, although canning beg for it is joyful,the strength is still not enough, so I advise general this time go to the capital might as well be a little bit more overbearing, for example old day old grudge, may well give a sound beating, with solution heart it hate!"
Li Qing An has a little not to understand his meaning, then favour ask a way:"Please know well a solution!"
The smile way of Li Bi Wei:"In former days after the letter, man Gao Zu Zhu's Xiao what then big four in the civil Duo farmland, from the bad reputation;Start an emperor and fell Chu, Wang Jian leads 600,000 passes in, but five degree parties person return toward demanding good farm, so that various is all way of self-preservation, so I advise a great commander soldier and return to city overbearing domineering, in fact is also a vein and mutually accept, only have thus just suspect and to the utmost go on the saint, if gentleman gift wise corporal, fish for fame, that is really the danger."
Li Qing An ha ha cachinnation, to Li Bi Shen, Shi Yi Li, , "the Sir's speech I stuck down, intransigent and haughty pour need not, insolent and tough is exactly my true colors."
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