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Singapore of lord is annexed by force to sit on the sideline ignore!But today's world the United States just at tired from rushing around on duty, EU whips in all countries are long Mo and.Singapore people will decide to join great China people's federative republic with the ballot.However, if Singapore government would like to go on expedition a soldier to provide to help toward China, I think that we can't mind a democracy, independence, either, friendly of Singapore continue in Southeast Asia to develop his function."Li Han Wen lightly releases Wu more Xuan, changed saying of a kind of tone Ping-ho:"So we hope that Singapore can provide an appropriate military to help in the stroke of China to Indonesian rebellious troops.And at post-war can donate money to charity the post-war reconstruction of supporting Lin Guang Zhao's government."Li Han Wen just of the threat seem to be just like an evil-foreboding dream and become accustomed to friendly talks each other Wu of the diplomacy mode that equally haggle more president Xuan absolutely have a little absentminded, just persistently nod.Li Han Wen's amity of held handshake with him, hanged a face to smile an intention to below the hills walk.Should say thus of completely naked of the threat diplomacy isn't Li Han Wen of original meaning, at 48 past hours he once conceives various method persuades Singapore, but those all drive Li Han Wen by himself/herself to veto, because what he faced is full of, independence, mode of thinking the complete west turns of Singapore, the threat method like this of the force is probably the most effective.Then however like this Singapore can stand on the same front with China.
"Already the fleet of China ash slips away of escape to return to."Ma Ge Lang leads to in the highway of three treasure Longs, Japanese land self-defence forces the special chariot travel of battlefield up, running of a signal corps excitement to 82 types of farmland inside their commanding officer three Langs in command of the communication car loudly shout a way beside."OH!MYGOD!"Europe descendant's woman of a light hair blue-eyed pants noisily of explore successful in career, poured to give that signal corps a fright."What does the ghost call?"Be called "the soil Zuo Dou dog" of inside farmland three card shark Zuos cut up rough of the face also followed to appear."I am letting rice English the devil taste to come from Japan of big gun, don't fussbudget, little devil.Let the mine clearance brigade get into a ."The engine bellows 92 type mine clearance car and 860 type armoured vehicles that load with 70 type rockets to blow up a mine clearance machine of 4 Japanese self-defence forces in voice to across need infantry chariots and 90 type tankses of machine and gets into homework battlefield.
All of 92 type mine clearance car combats weigh 25 tons, 2 passengerses, the conductor is 7.6 meters, and the car breadth is 3.0 meters, load to have 2 rocket blast - offs a machine.Almost have no commendable place on the features but deal with land mine he but that day originally on the land the sharp weapon of self-defence forces, weighed the rocket of reaching to the 1300 kgs to play to once fly the thunder field of "Liberation arm in Southern Asia", long long of ignite Suo to take out 26 to guide to explode a machine in a short instant and then develop several 200 meterses of a s in the thunder field long, 5.5 meter wide passage."Go forward."Each captain wields hands, Japanese land self-defence forces the special chariot travel of the tanks turn cannon tower to start rushing at Li Shu Yuan according to guard of highland."The brotherses.Put together with devil!"If saying to have no to anily be afraid that must be a lying, but the blood of Chinese nation seethes in their blood vessels and carry on the shoulder the rust vestige spot spot of Su system RPG the anti-tank hands initiative of the anti-tank rocket gets into battlefield, toward right against the face of the armor big current launched to definitely die of Zu shot.Rocket of roaring and shouting's playing to leap is guided to explode of the land mine deep-fry of the pulpy highway shot 90 type tanks in Japan face to face, among them of an exact center the nest of of 90 type tank cannon towers and bodywork play area, the cannon tower of this 90 type tanks is automatically packed to fill to guide the ammunition exploding to lift to fly to Gao Kong of several meters just layer after layer downfall inside the machine in the explosion voice of vehemence.At the same time Gao Bao's shell of 90 type tanks blast - offs also on the battlefield of "Liberation Arm in Southern Asia" deep-fried ring, flesh and blood of momentary the whole 154 highlandses horizontal fly.May be the spirit that is afraid Chinese to put together to die a to fight, all 90 type tank madness of toward the highland tilt to one side up 100 hair shells, under the covering of infantry Japanese land self-defence forces of 89 type infantry chariot just dare to hurtle up is already 154 highlands of with everything burned down, but will soon ascend the in a flash of crest at them a whole body is the Chinese people of blood but grip 2 hand thunders to hurtle into the brigade row of Japanese self-defence forces …….A yellowish brown photograph for burning on 154 highlands dances in the wind in the breeze, three Chinese people's youth's pleasure ground in Jakarta happily smiles on the photograph.
Three treasure several kilometers of Wengs in the south of the Long orchid.The street of small city that just experienced a radical war, several Japanese land self-defence forces of 01 type 4-4 light type armoured vehicles very carefully and slowly once drove, their Ds AH-64s"long bow- the Pa was strange" in sky with OH-1 change armed the helicopter covered huge Js CH-47s"paid Nu stem" of body figure to transport helicopter facing the direction of three treasure Longs to fly.Hope the battlefield of eyeful ruins,cheap beats by dre, Japanese land self-defence forces the 4th mixs trip regiment trip the chief lately deliver a farmland to believe in near big Zuo to feel unreal feeling and control debarkation field of the combat don't smoothly carry on.The Chinese resisted here for exactly a morning, but his next target will from several thousand Chinese people are armed according to guard of three treasure Longs.A new soldier eyeful has no absolute being of once walk his body side, hobble of head for that to lead off the H UH-1 that the quilt Chinese shot down to transport a helicopter in the morning, distort of propeller bottom burned black of the helicopter still keep emitting pure smoke."Elder brother!"That new soldier suddenly two feet a soft kneel on the ground to cry bitterly."Coward!"The new hair farmland believes in a near arrows step to come forward malicious took out him very much two box on the ears."You are Yamato people of excellent grade, the son people of Amaterasu-omikami.Forbid to cry.The Chinese killed your elder brother, you had to make of is a vengeance, revenge!Simpleton!"The new hair farmland believes in near start to clench his collar, will he mercilessly the Guan is on the ground."Mount a Chinese fir for me six will, I want more airs to support.There is also that soil Zuo Dou dog, mama of!Climb so slowly!"Jilt to open to remain at the new soldier who cry the Ti, lately deliver a farmland to believe in near hurtle signal corps exasperation of roar a way.The afternoon in Indonesian summer fills the air to make the breathing that people suffocate in the air.
Chinese navy south china sea mixs a the sea attack in the sky to gather the flagship of cluster especially-the pit power of Chinese navy's new Rui battleship 98000 ton classes the aircraft carrier"Shanghai" just under the protection that hugely escorts a fleet, sail in the waters of "bright pearl" south sand islands of south the china sea.Beautiful coral reef and petroleum mine towering iron pagoda of platform concealed wear sea now of the setting sun of the side of sky.Fly a deck's top along with the ground crew's signal, a N J-11 type warship carries a fighter jet just from lead a car to drag along next ascend and descend deck.But at the "Shanghai" type warship bridge in island last compact disc player up, French famous composer virtuous young tiger the orchestra symphony floating melody in 《ocean 》 positive response of the west at decorate a cultured warship to grow a rest the indoor."It is surprisingly you to still keep liking so symphony."Open a bottle of red wine on the cocktail cabinet, the "Shanghai" sail mother's warship long Ma Lan's lieutenant colonel curiously asks a way."《Ocean 》 is French famous the virtuous young tiger of composer is more western than the work that 1905 completes, it constitutes to°from 3 parts of close contact.Just what we hear is segment 1'the dawn of the sea till noon', mainly is use stringed give musical performance to describe the ocean in the dark night, the performance tides of image flows out of prospects.Accompany with elapsing of night view, aureate and sun shines everywhere and extensive sea surface.Listen to!This is the quartet of cello, is praising waking up of creation, present booming animation."The wine cup that China south china sea mixs a first sea empty attack to gather a group of commander Xu Jie Da Dun schools to pick up Ma Lan to pass over here especially came for he starting to explain in detail music."My commander member comrade, gather the next move activity of cluster to us, you exactly have what plan!Want to know'Hong Kong'in the Na soil Na islands Sha feather but return, local medium but deep-fried a pot!Requests person big someone who shoot to death the Liu easily big school on the Sina at!"Shallow Zuo's wearing worrying of wine Ma Lan's lieutenant colonel in cup is overflowed to talk form."Want to shoot to death the person's words a round don't get to Liu easily big school as well!Open maritime map."The Xu Jie Da Dun school is tiny tiny on smiling, start to walk to in the wall that of electronics maritime map before.
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force unites a fleet to make all arrangements to have 3 main fleets in the south the china sea now:Be gathered to Japanese consociation fleet of the neighborhood of the Na soil Na islands 2 escort brigades.This is a has been strengthened"nine.Ten"fleet, Related articles:

