
cheap beats by dre the enemy pond Kui

The mountain guards the soldiers to call smallly before comparing before three forks those.
Leading is half of two-hour period, the voice in an earthquake sky is shouted out by the several tens voice:"Catch Yang Chu!Catch Yang Chu!"

The text chapter 35 is all martial 3
Renew time:2009-1-70:14:38 chapter word numbers:5444

Always and in February, four years' spring's wise powerful ruler according to martial enemy pond all, with clue generation early leave enemy pond Mr..The Yin sends emissary to decline Qi mountain, Wu Xing Shou's soldier.
-The preface makes a summary
Caught the voice of shouting of Yang Chu to immediately break up the morale that all enemy ponds guard a soldier.In three forks, face a more than 300 Mos knife hand, more than 1,000 enemy before the pond mountain's guarding a soldier incredibly can not be ex- further and hope a ground of ground limb of front remnants body, all enemy ponds guarded a soldier to early lose for the Dan.But the male mansion spread from the enemy pond of shouted a voice to become to excel their last rice straw.
Once China hears a male mansion of enemy pond that general situation have already certainly shouted a voice and turn head to roar a way to the segment Huan:"Offend!"
Segment Huan with one action bloody Mo knife in the hand, to the or so Mo knife hand way:"Knot!Kill!"300 the Mo knives line up into three rows and to a tee brandish Mo knife and be like an industrious farmer in the cornfield and wield the sickle of beginning the inside, only what they harvest is the life that the enemy pond guards a soldier.
The three lines of Mos knife hand turns over of Mo knife the elephant is one built-up knife wave, the milli- Don't mention it flushes everything of front.All persons who impede them and things are that the deadwoods withered leaves in the storms are similar, toreds fragmented and disorganized.
The enemy pond guards a soldier to see these 300 just and still just there the Mo knife of the last-ditch immobility hand incredibly beginning go toward ex- counter-attack, and the power of the backstroke stands to still have to be big over there than them, immediately silly.Just static defense of the Mo knife hand elephant is an impregnable fortress, any thing will be bumped in front of them the head break a blood.But go forward of Mo knife the hand is absolutely the knife of an ambulation, arrive of the place is completely devastated, the person rears not to stay.
The enemy pond that has already annoyed a funeral's guarding a soldier is killed flee ignominiously, in succession forward the mountain city defense run to, to them, this place is very dangerous, still hurry the mountain go.
When the mountain enemy pond guards before the thousand odd the soldier runs to the front mountain city defense of time, but discover that my gate to a monastery opens widely, a flock of dense non-commissioned officer is keeping silence the ground is from the mountain way in flowed out to come in.Front dozen the enemy pond of the head guard a soldier to open mouth to say "hello", but sees the opposite non-commissioned officer peeping out ferocious facial expression.They raise a knife gun in succession and toward an one breath to run back but also there is no Xie following the enemy pond of spirit guard a soldier is a to chop down indiscriminately, this absolutely didn't make people live.Behind what to follow is that a group of power are like strong breeze and sweep the whole tigons, front but is the jackal and wolf of a background not clear but bloodthirsty abnormality.The enemy pond clipping betwixt guards a soldier and immediately discovers that oneself's becoming is blocked up in the mouse in the bellows, the this enemy pond mountain natural insurance form on the contrary became their biggest threats,cheap beats by dre.2 are blocked up, in addition to from the enemy pond the mountain fly next estimate and then have no another way to escape.
At has been been not a very vigorous holdout some kind ofly, the thousand odd enemy pond guarded a soldier to finally descend to settle decision under the suddenly and violently drinking of the Huan in the segment.
"Pay Xie not to kill!"The segment Huan roared out first, immediately after several hundred ascend thousand following of the beam state soldier non-commissioned officerses is shouting, language of officialdom, Di words and Qiang words, this a hideous mess voice is more even effective than knife gun.The enemy pond of hearing noise guards a soldier to throw down weapon in succession, at shouting command of beam state non-commissioned officer voice in, embrace head to squat down on the ground.But from the mountain way to segment Huan right against the face walk come of is exactly one face black blood but smiling all over joy often mountain, saw to his this soldier achievement get enough joy, otherwise he how enjoy heel a butterfly floated a segment Huan of front of.
Originally joy often the mountain and Wei make a country strong a soldier to divide two roads and quickly solved an enemy who keep Ma Cheng, although drive a few enemy ponds of approaching death flounders guard the soldier put a fire of hay fields,somehow the whole amount occupied to keep Ma Cheng and captured top and bottom several hundred people, good more than 2,000s horse.But joy often the courage of mountain is larger, he feels to below the hills keep Ma Cheng although the fire rises,oneself and Weis make a country strong to do good enoughly and have no escape from punishment run top of hill to report letter, the top of hill should still not know real circumstance how of, so here the noodles still have an opportunity to multiply by.Said again, stabbed history adults all in person make insurance to touch to climb mountain go to, the peace or chaos doesn't know, these people of oneself are to all put together light also the strategic area climb mountain to render assistance.
Hence, the joy often below the hills makes left the pond protecting all of the army camps to make change enemy guard the clothes of soldier and be divided into several person of stirings.Then oneself get 100 remainings crack, "hug" the tube of Yang Xu Zhi goes toward to count an inside outside of climb mountain main route to rush.
In fact the enemy pond guards a soldier to only have six passes on the mountain way, a city defense, the rest is tenth, just along the road Shao card.Often the joy mountain hugs Yang Xu and walks to the toll-gate to make people use the Di person's words to shout a way loudly:"Medium the soldier Jian Wei adult climb mountain to report urgent military situation to the male Ye and have the field to is thin to make scout to burn hay!Open the door quickly, if held up important event, carefully your dog's head.And several the torch is to shine on Yang Xu clear, show everyone careful, then Yang Xu of the hundred percent true gold at joy often the allusion of mountain also threaten two, immediately guard a pass the door of card call open.There are minority that guard a soldier to a little bit arouse suspicion, the hand and foot is slightly slow, the mouth asked more two, be been dressed in enemy pond to guard the beam state non-commissioned officer that the uniform packs' going up is two ears to pare off son and beat immediately not to dare to talk.
When joy often mountain at Yang Xu after death the swagger walk to come in, then make Yang Xu guard 100 remaining of the pass' a soldier call come over to gather, let to follow behind silently of big brigade person's horse a flow out but up, immediately wrapped dumpling.So, play Yang Xu's"gold-lettered signboard", cheat to come over all the way, incredibly and safely have no matter, have been cheating before opening the gate to a monastery of the mountain city defense.Entered gate to a monastery, joy often the mountain didn't also concern of, on waving hand, several hundred non-commissioned officers flowed out to come in and killed the ex- mountain city defense that leave more than 100 persons is completely routed, let left protect army camp successfully before having mountain city defense.
Often the joy mountain leaves more than 100 persons to guard ex- mountain city defense, then takes several hundred people of surplus blunt before continuing into, at the right moment Dou's living is killed by the Mo knife to frighten to death the enemy pond Kui soldier of escaping the bottom.The joy in this time often mountain more Don't mention it, if not that the segment Huan compete first shouts to pay Xie not to kill and estimate these several hundred the remnants soldiers can be killed by him Be getting cleaner.Be lived by the captive's enemy pond non-commissioned officer dead till the last all don't dare is still a blood to return a face idea from this whole body don't the beam state soldier of foot will get to nearby walk.Don't dare as well certainly from carry Mo knife to coldly stand on the part of segment the Huan nearby walk, not only don't dare to walk and far and far saw and then all over cringe.
The cent of the day dawn, is China to once stand on the enemy pond the mountain was all martial the tallest place of city-north guarded building, under the enemy pond top of hill of the warfares all came to an end for the time being, beam state soldier part a little bit pure captive, simultaneously cleaned up clusters of battlefield of blood stain.This beats very successfully and perfect, capture to keep Ma Cheng in the success, whole Jians it after guarding soldier makes use of mountain power of hazardous, up and down attack from both flanks, the guarding of enemy pond mountain soldier are also 1 don't run away.
Hot day gradually when the east rises, the enemy pond below the hills resumed equanimity again and stood to guard on the city tower of be still"enemy pond soldier", however all of that are"corset"s, all of real identities are that the beams state soldiers Be right to protect the non-commissioned officer of army camps.
Lookinging at oneself to only wait is tall of red day aureate ray of light time the Sa is as aquatic as continuous river in the gathering of the enemy pond mountain surroundings Luan cluster mountain, slowly and gradually walk the dark color, once China not from exclamation way:"woulded be Ling extremely, a look at many mountains small!"
"Long soldier, do you see get your home town?"Once China turned a head to ask unique stay at nearby of Zhao Fu, public all very busy now, the Wei makes a country strong and is responsible for the guard that keeps Ma Cheng and enjoy mountain to often want before being responsible for mountain city defense and the whole forces all the defense of the city, the segment Huan takes Mo knife's hand enemy pond the male mansion Be round and round to surround, but the Nan accompany "head achievement of minister" Yang Xu at pacify the officials of enemy pond and those several Dis and Qiang big leader, and start preparing and planning the party in noon.
"Return to adult, could not see, too far!"Zhao Fu respectully answers a way.
"The long soldier was too far.However we now leave it more and more near!"Once China faced dynasty sun to slowly say, " shut eyes, you could hear the interjection that the big wild goose north return, once flew a home town;You can hear the water current voice that the earth snow melt, remit into 1,00< river springs;You smell, you can smell the home town countryside spring flower the Zhan open of flavor, can smell the charming mud aroma that the home town mud defrost to send out behind joss-stick."
Replies to shut eyes according to speech and gingerly and slowly return Related articles:

