
Beats By Dr Dre Studio the other party co

Chapter 879 will account and then account
Xia Men Hou calls of words can be summer Hou Heng and summer the Hou Ba is agreeing with of 2 people, the summer Hou Ba tightly locks eyebrows and says:"If is really such, that we absolutely can not drop with the light heart, have to want to strengthen city to defend!Can not let west Qin Jun succeed!"
Many brotherses immediately towarding the Hou Ba in summer to embrace a boxing should drink a , but in this time, the summer Hou call but is to hesitate for a while, said:"Two elder brothers!Is this the good opportunity of an once in a lifetime you don't feel?We greatly will account and then account!"
"Good opportunity?Will account and then account?"Listen to if the summer Hou call, many brotherses all twist overdo hope to summer Hou said, and summer the Hou Heng is also an eyebrows a wrinkly, but is guessed that the Hou in summer calls to want to say, sign a horse to would be to shake head to say:"Three younger brothers!I know your meaning, but now this circumstance, we can be don't beg to have a great achievement, but beg to once have no!The last-ditch too original city is a moral path!"
"Eldest brother!"The Hou Heng that sees a summer was unexpectedly directed and then returned to cut off own proposal, the summer Hou called also some hasty, favour is say:"Is previous we the guess reinforcement should soon arrive to, so just choose last-ditch too original!Can now reinforcement but haven't arrived!If time take away and wait until west Qin Jun's reinforcement to rush through into!We can meet with calamity!West Qin Gong Cheng the apparatus j ī ng wonderful invincibility, if western Qin Jun out of the city again equipment ascend those to offend city apparatus, that we don't basically and impossibly guard live too at first!Is preemptive, behind deliver an under the yoke of person!"
"This ……" wants to say that the Hou Heng in summer is unmoved, also is absolutely bogus!Is the west summer Hou Yuan eldest son of great commander Qin, summer Hou Heng again how would like to so passive suffer beating ground to fire away this battle.)Just this garrison a too original heavy burden always the prison prison press in summer the at heart of Hou Heng, the Hou Heng in summer doesn't dare to have to the least bit relax and sink a voice to say:"Too at first too importance!We can not easily act!This, in case that all of all theses are wests Qin's trick?"
See the Hou Heng in summer still can not make a firm decision, the summer Hou calls all some worried, in fact not only was a summer Hou to say, other such as summer Hou Wei and summer Hou glory etc. several brotherses, also be all called by the summer Hou to hang up to have idea, come forward to advise a way in succession:"Eldest brother!Can a try!"
Summer Hou Heng and summer Hou Ba drive many brotherses so on saying, is also a bit difficult, end summer Hou Heng and summer Hou Ba 2 people but at the same time throw the vision to flank of Chen Qun Shen up, the summer Hou Ba openings asks a way:"Adult Chen!If depend on adult of meaning, be how make firm decision?"
On Chens' face not from must peep out wry smile, if depend on Chens of original meaning, that absolutely still with constant should ten thousand change, can be the Hou brothers that he sees a summer several people together brushed ground to move to vision in his/her own body, this Chens return be really some pressure!Deliberate a short moment, Chen this just figured out a way, wait person to say to the Hou Heng in summer:"Everybody general!What everybody argues, the nothing but is this time western Qin Jun's camisado whether is account?This belongs to under temporarily is also hard to make to make firm decision, however pour is have a way to try come out!"
After Chens into dedicated and adjust to gather soldier who combined the state to garrison a too original stratagem, summer Hou the brotherseses seem to be more and more to trust to Chens' clever strategy and hear Chens say a way, all of many brotherses are eyes a bright, all concentrated in Chens' in front, the summer Hou Ba asks a way:"Adult Chen!If have what good way, rather speak, let everyone want together!"
"At under is having this idea!"Chens ordered to nod and said:"This time, west Qin Jun commands troops great commander is a west Qin Lao Liu Pi!In those early years at descended open up with that Liu pour is to once have the number the good luck of the noodles, consequently is also recognize this person!According to at under understand, Liu Pi is this person very important at the west position within Qin Jun Jun, and enjoy the trust of Luo's sun!If west Qin Jun Be this time to take camisado as, want to lead the y ò u our army city ji ā o war, western Qin Jun whom the u bait of y ò comes sneak attack to absolutely be impossibly led by Liu Pi!But contrary, with the ng space of x ì that Liu opens up, if this time camisado is true, that Liu opens up this person certainly visit relatives independence to hold this time combat, protect by dint not to lose!So, at under think, judge if this time western Qin Jun is then to account, but see this leading troops of this time western Qin Jun's sneak attack if the great commander is Liu Pi!"
Listen to Chen so on saying, summer Hou Heng and summer the Hou Ba is to feel reasonable, 2 people saw one eye mutually and ordered to nod at the same time, in fact they are the Cao Wei's great commanders, at the beginning just followed behind a father and west Qin Jun how many times the o hand of ji ā , once saw Liu Pi as well, when the time comes, even if Chens can not see clearly, they can absolutely recognize Liu Pi as well!Right away the summer Hou Ba woulds be to say:"Adult Chen this accounting to pour is reasonable!Pour to isn't equal to and then make me get one o brigade troops and horses of xi ǎ , secretly ambush the city wall outside the city underneath, if assurance to will be Liu Pi, that I send a person to notify inside the city, when the time comes in should outside match, drop this western Qin Jun to all solution!If this time western Qin Jun's great commander isn't Liu Pi, that I be round an another part to notify everybody brothers, defend with a last-ditch attempt a city head, make enemy's soldier not succeed!"
The Hou Ba that sees a summer in person please fight, the many summers Hou brothers signs a horse be call a , the summer Hou Heng is to completely put down the heart, they work to the Hou Ba in summer, and that pretty much trusts!So far, the ji ā o gives the affair that the Hou Ba in summer does, have never come amiss!There is the summer Hou Ba this sentence, that summer the Hou Heng is to settle decision under the end, on clapping thigh, the station starts to say to many brotherses:"Good!Now that all of the brotherses are such decision, that I wasn't feigned either, tonight we do so!Four younger brothers!Five younger brothers!You adjust to gather a troops and horses to organize a defence in the east m é n neighborhood, the everybody brothers is to follow a go, the news that wait two younger brothers spreads, we kill!West Qin Jun kill a fallen petal flowing water!"
"Good!Good!"Many brotherses listen to summer Hou Heng so on saying, all is to loudly yell, but this time, but Chens are one Leng, signing the horse is a full face to suspiciously ask a way:"Is proper Bo Quan just general talk, let the battalion adjust to gather n at the east m é, then He Yi?"At present too original city drive west Qin Jun give round and round surround, why summer the Hou Heng decide that throwing is other away three the noodles city m é n, let public garrison east m é n?According to reason, even if want to guard, that is also western n direction of m é of the west Qin Jun army camp place be!
Listen to Chens' question, summer Hou the brotherseses all smiled, Chen although the clever strategy leads a person,the clever strategy marches to fight and has plenty of to need to depend on accounting to strive for, more of time, still need to depend on experience of combat to do judgment!This, how Chens are the meeting is the summer that makes a noise the n noble family of m é the opponent of the Hou the brotherseses?The summer Hou Wei smiles to say to Chens:"Adult Chen, western Qin Jun if want a sneak attack, the most important is by surprise!We are known as the majority of the troops of west city head at the defense line set out by too original city!That west Qin Jun wants to make a surprise attack too original city, the nature will choose the opposite and weak place of defense line launches an attack be, so the eldest brother would guess west Qin Jun will to west m é the n begin!"
Listen to summer Hou Wei so on explaining, Chen are also not from get an old face a red, sign a horse to would be to the Hou Heng in summer once the arch hand do obeisance and say:"Bo Quan the general is indeed as expected severe!At under candidly admit defeat!"
The summer Hou Heng is to hurriedly hand to have Chens and say with smile:"Be the adult need not too modest, if isn't the stratagem of adult, only afraid early guarded not to live at first too much now!This time attack that resisted west Qin Jun at first too much, the adult was to stand first an achievement,Beats By Dr Dre Studio!"
2 people are some kind of to is all right mutually, immediately the summer Hou Heng woulded be to release Chens and turned round to drink a way to many brotherses:"Good!Today we and take a rest well some kind of!Tonight we start acting!"
-Partition line-
Was soon son always cent, outside the city of the west city m é n not distance, a pay more than 100 persons' o brigade of xi ǎ is sticking in the side of city wall, quietly latent talent.Take the lead of two will, is exactly a summer for old two summers within Hou brotherses, Hou Ba and old five summerses Hou glory!The summer Hou Ba is squating down on the ground at the moment, a pair of eyes tightly stare at a direction outside the city, a short moment doesn't dare to relax, his keeping this action has already had 12 hours, can himself but is to don't move half for cent, the whole body is like an iron casting of general!
But in the Hou Ba in summer nearby of summer the Hou glory had no so badly, insisted nearly a many hours some can not stand!However this summer Hou glory's pouring is also a hero, which afraid again how tired, he finally still kept biting a tooth to insist down.The title tooks a look a night sky and estimates to touch time, the summer Hou glory twists overdo to the Hou Ba in summer silently the voice say:"Two elder brothers!While being already all son now!You say an enemy can't the meeting come?"
"Is not hasty!"Summer Hou Ba Chien the simple list ground is two words, but is summer Hou glory behind of all of a few words to blocked up to return to, saw the Hou Bas in summer all say so, summer Hou glory also can shut up to continue to stay by the side.
Don't is luckily excessive long, from the city outside not the distance suddenly rang out a burst of clop!Although this clop is to ring very much, summer Hou Ba and summer Hou glory all of that is the n sons of m é, for this clop that is most the sensitive however, signing Ma Liang Ren is a face s once the è change and hope at the same time to the other party!However for the sake of concealment must be good, they didn't spark torch, at present the this night s è is to stretch hand to disappear five fingers, so brothers a pair the ray of light that can see the other party eyes mutually is just!However even if is such, they can also see one from the eyes of the other party silk pleased s è!
Don't is excessive long, saw outside the city distance not, and then is manies a troops, rough have a liking for to go, probably is also 12,000 people's appearance.Want to come to be also right, the other party comes to make a surprise attack now!If on a large scale rush through, not is make the enemy sign a horse to see through!These 2,000 people are just right, they want to do of purpose, just open the city m é n!
However summer the idea of the Hou Ba and summer Hou glory is not in the enemy's number again how much, they together and all together stare at vision tightly that troops of most before!The summer Hou Ba sees cautiously, shine on sh è in an extremely small torch under, lead troops a battle in the front of western Qin Jun that comes a sneak attack of, is exactly their target this time, west great commander Liu Pi of Qin Jun!
See indeed as expected is Liu Pi to come in person, the Rao is a summer how Hou Ba is calm and steady, at the moment is also almost have never endured to yell!Was unfeeling on the whole in of concussion, did a signal towards the non-commissioned officer after death and early readied to, recruited him to nearby, to he the low voice drink a way:"Immediately to city inside make collective report!The target has been already confirmed!Can accept a net!"
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