
Beats by Dr Dre solo position of provinc

Depend on Zhang, the interest can not be too high first, in spite of the height year benefit all three Li halfs, and these three Li half the interest want to trace back to to be former, if year count too long, is delicate to still need to deduct several become, secondly the whole obligations want to pare debt 20%, and proof however is hard, or is Liu Jing Xiao into the Lu after borrow at the time of style son, she all not to acknowledgement.
Zhang Ke searches to pare off taxes squeezed out of the people everywhere, a lot of borrow funds to all lack a legal procedure, so on"sorting"ing, this deficit from 1,000,000 successful in career became 600,000 not to arrive, however for this obligation that tidies up down, is delicate to is also the idea that beats to certainly depend on Zhang.
He learns is a year of republican beginning sea Chen Jia's way, wanted to 200,000 public fundses to establish a Lu from Liu Jing Xiao south bank, then change all of this liabilitieses into Lu south the share of the bank, namely"the so-called debt turns" is also, needs to pay a bonus just annually, then need not to recover capital invested, didn't need to be paid interest again, really is a good way.
But creditor also means a satisfaction, right, Zhang Ke is to allow the very high interest is from oneself this lent a big pen style son, that lent a method is the big brigade soldier who used to carry rifles with loaded bullets to come to borrow of, oneself doesn't beg interest as well, begs still is old origin, elephant city south iron spreads of shopkeeper was successively borrowed to walk more than 6,000 oceans, start to calculate together with the interest is have 10,000 Be getting more successful in career, but somebody else, Zhang Ke Zhang, will do always is have borrow to have return, is just that this day just a little have some to drag along and want obligation to him, piece I am handsome to always is a words:"Say again next month ……"
Whenever being compelled is hasty, he says:"Next year ……in hand and too tight, next year definitely return you!"Forcing again is hasty, the somebody else starts force, catch a person and seize entire family belongs, words also also demand repayment of debt, Zhang Ke only uses malicious recruit, that dragged out to shoot to death, for the purpose of ear clean.
See afterwards Zhang Ke run, the everyone son don't hope at all to this money and pressed the old rules of China, after new officer takes a post, all of the odd pieces stay to the predecessor, that is all want to tip over to do it again, have never thought teacher to incredibly turn these obligations share, although the momentary half will take not to come back, can is to have to hope on the whole, and there is still a bonus entering in ledger at least annually.
Lu south the bank physically relate to with public finance section very warm, pulling out of public finance a style of transfer of funds all hand over to Lu south bank to hold to do, plus its official background, this bank soon opened situation and established cent to manage organization in the Lu southern each county, however is delicate don't wish this bank to taint with too many official colors, all go officer's only have 300,000, the half the number of equal company's.
Since there is own share, the creditor also specially concerns to this bank, shareholder's meeting's holding a meeting a time is a don't pull, the board of directors more has the strictest request to the employee, on the other hand the business expands also very smooth, is delicate to even have issue of the plan of banknotes.
But this song and dance is peaceful however is a superficial phenomenon just, these more than 10 years, the disappearance of wound is to complete for a day and two days, Liu Jing Xiao stands right away, along with take aim one eye, see scatter in the ground many bullets, everywhere it is thus clear that dress Shan ragged stranger, just thinking wear opposite D to weigh to say with smile:"Mirror Xiao now don't lead!"
Liu Jing Xiao's pouring is very polite:"Is heavy handsome …… let me send you one distance again ……"
The D is heavy to answer a way:"Mirror Xiao, you have already all once sent ground head!Need not far send, the intention arrived and then went!"
Liu Jing Xiao then is still professional diplomats set words:"Where ……at the thought of so quick and heavy handsome separate, be really regret!"
The D is heavy or that sentence:"The mirror Xiao still returns to ……just after arriving province, still have to ask mirror Xiao to help each other much and more!"
Liu Jing Xiao this just says:"Please heavy handsome the whole trust, we Lu south is with all strength support heavy handsome do this provincial governor okay!"
Keep shouting in his mouth"we Lu south", that with person in Shandong from reside, now that do don't become E west king, do a Lu now south king not better, now that want to radicate here, Liu Jing Xiao by all meansly fawns on personage in the place, totally different from Zhang Ke's skill.
Since is a D provincial governor to take a post, and is teacher to take big small fry to mutually send in person, need not any mobilize, even want corrupt officials to prepare several pair ofs ten thousand people umbrella, come to one"tens of thousands people clip a way to mutually send" again, again the parlance of"return I- male", besides D heavy at Lu south the reputation is the highest, this set of also play today up a , however many several cent, genuine feeling solid idea just, finally Liu Jing Xiao again in person send out very far.
Press the truth to say, republican all of provincial governors are a bitter work, so-called"the Du soldier is a mother-in-law, the provincial governor is a daughter-in-law", but different now, D heavy current Liu Jing Xiao behind the scenes supports, this waist pole will be hard naturally, at king from together eye inside, this D heavy is come to rob him of print a son divides his big power, is to say to welcome "D provincial governor this very day take up a post" in times before, that is to think south the inner part make an abruption at the Lu, have never thought Liu Jing Xiao don't fall into trap, must also D heavy push the position of provincial governor.
In his eyes, all of Liu Jing Xiao and Zhang Kes are all the way kinds of goodses, made the D heavy again to be provincial governor, how horrible, he by himself not appear publicly, says to send a person to in a short while say "person in this province should not serve as provincial governor" and in a short while says "provincial governor should from Lu north the person serve as", with"public sentiment" Zu shot D heavy, beat very long a period of time of saliva lawsuit, is just that this provincial governor is what segment, premier consents, he just thinking set up own prestige for a while, finally king from together and still just segment the premier's pressure is soft to come down.
So the D is heavy of take a post just and drag along till today, both parties again ceremonious for a long time, D heavy finally said sentence true words:"Mirror Xiao, this goes to assume office, I only a matter can not help worrying ……"
Say, he with hand a , Liu Jing Xiao follow his vision to see go, is exactly an angel general D quiet is rather handed by the D,Beats by Dr Dre solo, lose peacetime of alacrity lovely, is just that the ground of Chi Chi hope own father, is to the utmost idea of loving dearly in eye, the tears may burst out at any time.
The D weighs this time go to assume office, took 4 relieves of county too Ye, leave quiet D at old house, the D is quiet from small have already followed this father, yesterday set out before have already secretly cried, today but very reasonable, decline a tears.
Liu Jing Xiao is to like very much to this young girl, he is also very simply, he seeks to come to one horsewhip of paying and raise Gao horsewhip to swear way:"Emperor thick soil in the sky, my Liu Jing Xiao receives D heavy handsome think greatly of, in the soldier five in outshine others, the D is handsome to go to assume office, entrust Ms. Ding to me today!"
Was slow slowly, he said:"From now on, as long as my Liu Jing Xiao has a people soup to drink, the preservation makes Ms. Ding have meat to eat!Heavy handsome is my old superior old superior, from now on, Ms. Ding is also my superior ……today talk, the sentence sentence delivers from the heart and asks everyone's son to make a witness!"
Liu Jing Xiao is very a man of mettle, the this time words make the D heavy extremely touched, can do one gratitude of bowing to show right away and keep on connecting, Liu Jing Xiao again send one distance, this just get back.
Guo Jun Qing rides Ma Hui the commander's headquarters processing puts off of the official document went to, Liu Jing Xiao trusted very much to her, much time is just guest actor to sign for a while machine just, Liu Jing Xiao then doesn't ride a horse by himself/herself, on the contrary is with over Yan jade Zhuo they sit on a wagon together, he sits on the wagon exact center, left hug right embrace, just thinking top and bottom its hand of time, the clop that listen to a burst of light frailty, get very hasty.
Liu Jing Xiao is a soldier to is from and immediately respond to come over, uncover once the car Lian see, is a destrier statistics section chief bear Xi, once he see Liu Jing Xiao and immediately jump down a horse and ran to come over in quick time, loudly report:"Teacher ……"
The bear section chief's destrier statistics section has in this Jiao achievement bitterness Lao but have no achievement, therefore Liu Jing Xiao has to him tiny talk, bear section chief can step up collection intelligence report, is to greatly have result this time, is just that this words speak not and very directly.
Liu Jing Xiao sees his desire speech again, also jump down a car, the bear Xi sticks Liu Jing Xiao's ear to in a soft voice say:"Teacher, the public security team in the Lu has the danger that the Hua changes!"
Liu Jing Xiao listenned to this intelligence report, complexion such as often, but the in the mind calculated to open.
In the so-called Lu, what to point is a Yi to receive a mountain area, Zhang Ke's site here, the historical problem is a lot of, now king from together of control under, however king from together of the skill and Zhang Ke don't have essence differentiation, not only county magistrate Related articles:

